Auto-remove unwanted sellers online.

Stop wasting time with test buys or threat letters.

Remove sellers four-times faster than traditional methods using our proprietary, human-piloted AI platform.

Learn How We Can Help
Man with goggles by floating screens

Some of the many brands we are proud to protect

Easy to Use.

Our system scans eCommerce marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart to identify unwanted sellers of your brand's products, providing you with full visibility into who is selling your products online.

Animation showing New cases for Removal

Hours of Work Down to a Button Click.

Once an unwanted seller is identified, just click a button launch an investigation to gather evidence of misconduct. We handle all the work for you, and only verified wrongful activity is reported to marketplaces to remove the seller.

Experience Matters.

Online enforcement is highly regulated. Numerous federal and state laws, and evolving court opinions, impact online enforcement. You must navigate them all for enforcement to work.

Sigil's co-founder brings a decade of relevant legal experience, allowing you to fully automate best practices from hundreds of cases.

Fair Pricing For Your Brand's Unique Needs.

"Anyone who cares about their brand needs Sigil."

- Jason Richardson, CEO, Genesis

"Sigil is going to be a game changer."

- Lindsey Laurain, CEO, ezpz

Ray Phillips

"Sigil will revolutionize online sales for brands."

- Ray Phillips, Jr., CEO Soapsox

Ready to get started?

Learn How We Can Help

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